Our hormones are chemical messengers which can regulate organ functions; any hormonal imbalances can impact on our general health causing a diverse range of symptoms.

My interest in hormones began as far back as 1994. I studied the subject extensivly gaining a much deeper understanding of physiology and how hormones interact with the different systems of the body. It was a fascinating study which has enabled me to offer safe, natural, more effective treatments for the different kinds of hormonal imbalances.

Problems that can arise include:

Thyroid problems
Poor blood sugar control / insulin problems
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Poor adrenal function
Female hormonal problems - including disruption within the monthly cycle, peri menopause and the menopause (see symptoms below)

Some of the symptoms associated with female hormonal imbalances:

Physical Symptoms
Breast tenderness
Stomach cramps
Hot flushes - Night sweats.
Weight gain
Mental Symptoms
Mood swings

Helping to restore equilibrium is the key in banishing all of the above symptoms and conditions.

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